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Title: Interval‑valued fuzzy φ‑tolerance competition graphs
Authors: Pramanik, Tarasankar
Samanta, Sovan
Pal, Madhumangal
Mondal, Sukumar
Sarka, Biswajit
Keywords: Competition
Interval-valued fuzzy graphs
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: SpringerPlus
Abstract: This paper develops an interval-valued fuzzy φ-tolerance competition graphs which is the extension of basic fuzzy graphs and φ is any real valued function. Interval-valued fuzzy φ-tolerance competition graph is constructed by taking all the fuzzy sets of a fuzzy φ-tolerance competition graph as interval-valued fuzzy sets. Product of two IVFPTCGs and relations between them are defined. Here, some hereditary properties of products of interval-valued fuzzy φ-tolerance competition graphs are represented. Application of interval-valued fuzzy competition graph in image matching is given to illustrate the model.
ISSN: 2193-1801
Appears in Collections:Articles

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